
God Can

There is nothing God can’t do. No matter what the challenge…God Can. Nehemiah and the Israelites worked together, and in spite of great opposition, God still accomplishes His audacious purposes through them. That can be our story too. Will you let God implant His unquenchable passion in you for the mission to which He has called you? It’s time to believe and live the truth that no matter how daunting the challenge…God Can!

1.12.20 | Vision weekend: break our heart | pastor pete

1.19.20 | great and awesome god | PASTOR PETE

1.26.20 | define reality | PASTOR PETE

2.2.20 | Anchor Your Hope | PASTOR PETE

2.9.20 | Find your spot on the wall | PASTOR PETE

2.16.20 | How to handle discouragement | greg laurie

2.23.20 | engage your faith | Pastor Pete

3.1.20 | God will fight for you | Pastor Pete

3.8.20 | God will finish what he started | Pastor Pete