

It’s easy to look around these days and wonder if our hurting world has any hope at all. While things may be difficult with everyone seemingly upset with everyone else and strife, protest and disagreement winning the day...that is not the end of the story. This is but a chapter in the midst of a much bigger story. For 2000 years God’s plan has been for His body, the Church, to win the hearts, minds and souls of every single person on earth through the Unstoppable love, hope and compassion of His people. In this series we will explore the important part that every follower of Jesus plays in God’s Unstoppable Plan to Rescue the World.

Unstoppable Mission | 8.15.21 | Pastor Pete

Unstoppable Purpose | 8.22.21 | Pastor Pete

Unstoppable Team | 8.29.21 | Pastor Pete

Unstoppable Future | 9.05.21 | PAstor Pete