
authentic faith

Jesus did not come to establish a religion. He came to enter into a relationship. At its core, Christianity is a relationship between God and man. That relationship was never meant to be purely informational, but transformational in nature. What the world needs to see are Christians who live what they profess to believe. In this series we will explore what it means to be people whose beliefs (orthodoxy) and actions (orthopraxy) are one in the same so that we live integrated lives where we not only talk the talk, but we walk the walk.

1.3.21 | WEEK 1 | Examine your heart | PASTOR PETE

1.10.21 | WEEK 2 | unstable | PASTOR PETE

1.17.21 | WEEK 3 | Guard your heart | PASTOR PETE

1.24.21 | WEEK 4 | all access pass | PASTOR PETE

1.31.21 | WEEK 5 | a blessable life | PASTOR PETE

2.7.21 | WEEK 6 | intimacy with god | PASTOR PETE

2.14.21 | WEEK 7 | Rescued people rescue people | PASTOR PETE